
Monday, October 10, 2011

Special Feature: Pink Pasta!

Warning. This recipe is strictly UFTMOAT. (Uninternational From The Mind Of American Tess).

However, it was greeted with so many expressions of surprise when I said what I was making, and so many expressions of joy upon tasting (okay maybe not so many, it was only me and my roommates, nonetheless...) that I decided to post the recipe anyway. The sweetness of the roasted beets and garlic are complimented by the saltiness of the sausage. The makings of tastiness.

And yes, it will turn your pasta pink. Don't be afraid.

Serves approximately 6.

What you'll need:

1 lb. bowtie or other bite-sized pasta, cooked
4-5 links sausage (I used chicken sausage)
8 cloves garlic, unpeeled
3-4 large beets, peeled and cut into bite-sized chunks
Canola or other high-heat oil
Olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper

Step 1: Preheat oven to 400.
Step 2: On a baking sheet, arrange beets, sausage and garlic. Coat lightly in canola oil.
Step 3: Roast for 30 minutes at 400.
Step 4: Remove from oven and let cool.
Step 5: Peel garlic cloves and mince.
Step 6: Cut sausage into small, bite-sized pieces.
Step 8: Toss pasta with olive oil, beets, sausage, garlic, salt, and pepper. Add additional salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy! This can be served warm, room temperature, or cold like a pasta salad! (I like to drizzle with a hot sauce, such as Sriracha, as well.)

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